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Trapping Rain Water
Write a function to calculate the total amount of water trapped between bars on an elevation map, where each bar's width is 1. The input is given as an array of n non-negative integers height representing the height of each bar.
height = [3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 5, 1, 0, 2]
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We can use the two-pointer technique to solve this problem in O(n) time and O(1) space.
In order for any index in the array to be able to trap rain water, there must be higher bars on both the left and right side of the index. For example, index 2 in the following array has height 1. It can trap water because there are higher bars to the left and right of it.
To calculate the exact amount of water that can be trapped at index 2, we first take the minimum height of the highest bars to the left and right of it, which in this case is 4. We then subtract the height of the bar at index 2, which is 1,
So if we knew the height of the highest bars to the left and right of every index, we could iterate through the array and calculate the amount of water that can be trapped at each index.
But we don't need to know the exact height of both the highest bars to the left and right of every index. For example, let's say we know the highest bar to the right of index 7 with height 0 has a height of 2.
If we also knew that there exists a higher bar than 2 anywhere to the left of index 7, then we also know that the minimum height of the highest bars to the left and right of index 7 is 2. This means that we have enough information to calculate the amount of water that can be trapped at index 7, which is 2 - 0 = 2.
This is the insight behind how the two-pointer technique can be used to solve this problem. We initialize two pointers left and right at opposite ends of the array. We also keep two variables leftMax and rightMax to keep track of the highest bars each pointer has seen.
def trappingWater(heights):left, right = 0, len(heights) - 1leftMax, rightMax = heights[left], heights[right]count = 0while left + 1 < right:if rightMax > leftMax:left += 1if heights[left] > leftMax:leftMax = heights[left]else:count += leftMax - heights[left]else:right -= 1if heights[right] > rightMax:rightMax = heights[right]else:count += rightMax - heights[right]return count
trapping rain water
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We now use the values of leftMax and rightMax to visit every single index in the array exactly once. We start by comparing leftMax and rightMax. In this case, leftMax is smaller than rightMax, so we know that:
- The maximum height of the highest bar to the right of right - 1 is rightMax
- There exists a higher bar than rightMax somewhere to the left of right
These two facts mean that we have enough information to calculate the amount of water that can be trapped at index right - 1. So first we move the right pointer back by 1:
def trappingWater(heights):left, right = 0, len(heights) - 1leftMax, rightMax = heights[left], heights[right]count = 0while left + 1 < right:if rightMax > leftMax:left += 1if heights[left] > leftMax:leftMax = heights[left]else:count += leftMax - heights[left]else:right -= 1if heights[right] > rightMax:rightMax = heights[right]else:count += rightMax - heights[right]return count
initialize pointers
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There are two possible cases to consider when calculating the amount of water that can be trapped at the current index of right:
- The height of the bar at index right is smaller than rightMax
- The height of the bar at index right is greater than or equal to rightMax
In our case, the height of the bar at index right is smaller than rightMax, so we know that the amount of water that can be trapped at index 1 is rightMax - height[right], and we can move to the next iteration, which follows the same logic:
def trappingWater(heights):left, right = 0, len(heights) - 1leftMax, rightMax = heights[left], heights[right]count = 0while left + 1 < right:if rightMax > leftMax:left += 1if heights[left] > leftMax:leftMax = heights[left]else:count += leftMax - heights[left]else:right -= 1if heights[right] > rightMax:rightMax = heights[right]else:count += rightMax - heights[right]return count
move right pointer
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Now, we run into case 2, where height[right] is greater than or equal to rightMax. This means we can't trap any water at this index, so instead we update rightMax to the height of the bar at index right to prepare for the next iteration.
def trappingWater(heights):left, right = 0, len(heights) - 1leftMax, rightMax = heights[left], heights[right]count = 0while left + 1 < right:if rightMax > leftMax:left += 1if heights[left] > leftMax:leftMax = heights[left]else:count += leftMax - heights[left]else:right -= 1if heights[right] > rightMax:rightMax = heights[right]else:count += rightMax - heights[right]return count
move right pointer
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The same logic applies when leftMax is less than rightMax, and this continues until every index has been visited exactly once, for a total time complexity of O(n) and a space complexity of O(1).
def trappingWater(heights):left, right = 0, len(heights) - 1leftMax, rightMax = heights[left], heights[right]count = 0while left + 1 < right:if rightMax > leftMax:left += 1if heights[left] > leftMax:leftMax = heights[left]else:count += leftMax - heights[left]else:right -= 1if heights[right] > rightMax:rightMax = heights[right]else:count += rightMax - heights[right]return count
update leftMax
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def trappingWater(heights):left, right = 0, len(heights) - 1leftMax, rightMax = heights[left], heights[right]count = 0while left + 1 < right:if rightMax > leftMax:left += 1if heights[left] > leftMax:leftMax = heights[left]else:count += leftMax - heights[left]else:right -= 1if heights[right] > rightMax:rightMax = heights[right]else:count += rightMax - heights[right]return count
trapping rain water
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