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Sort Colors
Write a function to sort a given integer array nums in-place (and without the built-in sort function), where the array contains n integers that are either 0, 1, and 2 and represent the colors red, white, and blue. Arrange the objects so that same-colored ones are adjacent, in the order of red, white, and blue (0, 1, 2).
nums = [2,1,2,0,1,0,1,0,1]
Run your code to see results here
We can understand this algorithm by looking at the invariants which hold true after each iteration:
- All elements to the left of the left are 0s.
- All elements between left and i - 1 are 1s.
- All elements between i and right are unsorted.
- All elements to the right of right are 2s.
Let's now see how we maintain these invariants as we iterate through the array.
Sorting 0s
When i is equal to 0, invariant 2 tells us there are two possible values for left: 0 or 1.
Let's consider the case when left == 1 first. We swap i with left. This allows us to increment the left pointer to maintain invariant 1. Since we know that the new item at i is a 1, we can also increment i to maintain variant 2.
Now let's consider what happens when left == 0, which happens when we haven't encountered any 1s yet and i == left. We swap i with left (which is itself) and increment left to maintain invariant 1. Since we still haven't encountered any 1s, we can increment i to maintain invariant 2. In other words, the "ones" region remains empty.
Sorting 1s
When i == 1, we can simply increment i to maintain invariant 2.
Sorting 2s
When i == 2, we swap i with right. This allows us to decrement right to maintain invariant 4. But since the new item at i came from the unsorted region, the new item at i is still unsorted, so we have to go through another iteration to correctly sort it.
When i surpasses right the unsorted region is empty and the entire array is sorted.
def sortColors(nums):left, right = 0, len(nums) - 1i = 0while i <= right:if nums[i] == 0:nums[i], nums[left] = nums[left], nums[i]left += 1i += 1elif nums[i] == 2:nums[i], nums[right] = nums[right], nums[i]right -= 1else:i += 1return nums
sort colors
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